Business Started
10th of June, 2016
(8 years 4 months old)
Assets Included in the Sale
This listing is for an Amazon FBA business created in June 2016 in the outdoors niche. The included Amazon Seller Central account features 40+ SKUs for a product used for weather protection. All SKUs are variations of one core product. The product listings have hundreds to thousands of positive reviews, high-quality photos, and all feature a professional product video. With the help of an inventory manager, the Seller spends minimal time operating this business.
The business earns a small amount of revenue (0.01%) through Amazon Associates. The included WordPress site features a blog with content related to the product, as well as a store section that features the business’ core product.
A USA trademark was registered in 2017 and a trademark for China has recently been applied for (November 2021). It is currently in pending status.
The business sources products from two suppliers based in China. During 2020-2021, 50% of the inventory was shipped to 3PL warehouses and 50% were shipped directly to Amazon. As a result of the Amazon inventory policy changes that occurred during that time, the Seller now (since Q3 2021) ships all of the inventory to the 3PL warehouse.
An inventory manager helps with the logistics side of the business by handling inventory forecasting and communications with manufacturers, forwarders, and the 3PL. The employee is aware of the sale and will not be continuing with the business after the sale.
The Seller has experimented with FBM and eBay. They fulfilled eBay orders from FBA and made an additional income of 2.5% of annual sales. The seller has also sold 80 units of new ASINS through FBM within the last 30 days, as they experimented with new product variations. More details can be provided to Unlockers.
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The Semrush Domain Rank is a website's position in a list of every single website in Semrush's database, sorted by organic traffic. At present there are over 39 million websites in list. For reference, Empire Flippers ranks as the 96,500th most trafficked website in Semrush's database.
The total number of different domains (aka websites) linking to this site.
The Seller is willing to offer 30 days of email support and 2 Skype calls to ensure a smooth transition of the business to the Buyer.
The Seller would like to focus on other opportunities.
Work Required Per Week: 5 Hours
Private Blog Network (PBN): Yes
Domain Type: None
Platform: Amazon FBA
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