Income Report – March 2011

Justin Cooke Updated on February 29, 2020

With 62 sites created in March, things are really starting to roll with our websites. We’ve seen all of our sites continue to increase in the SERPs and revenue has increased for all of the sites, month after month. This project is really starting to show some legs and we’re looking for ways to capitalize on the success we’ve had so far. Our December sites made an average of $11.40 per site in March which was well above expectations.


We’ve seen tremendous growth from our earlier sites, with more than 80% of the sites achieving first page rankings for their primary keywords…with quite a few in the top 5 positions. Something that’s really important to us, though, is tracking exactly how well the sites are doing over time. We’ve created a spreadsheet that I’ll share with you to show you exactly how we track the average site’s earnings Month 1, Month 2, Month 3, etc. and how we can use that data to make projections on future sites, based on our actuals so far. We still have a limited amount of data available, but we’re starting to see some patterns that should help us estimate how much the sites are worth and can better predict future income based on how many sites we create.


We ran a test where we removed all of the ad blocks save the one right below the title. This block does not have text wrapping and is above the fold and we figured this would give us our best chance for success, but we’ve found, surprisingly, that this made very little change to anything. Our CTR went down slightly and our cpc went up slightly on the sites that were tested. The worst thing about this test, though, is that we noticed a HUGE drop in Pageviews on the test sites. (But not a drop in traffic seen in Google Analytics…odd) Our best guess is that changing the WP theme hurt our image rankings.

Here are a few of the things we worked on this month:

  • Theme/Ad Block test – We planned to test this change for 30 days, but there was no noticeable improvements and so we ended the test after only two weeks.
  • Content Management – We’ve decided to take our best content writer and turn her into a content manager. It makes more sense for us to use her skills and have her ordering and editing content received from our writing staff and from our outsourced content. This has been quite a burden on us, actually, and we feel quite relieved to be finally handing this over.
  • Bottlenecks – Joe and I have become acutely aware that one of the biggest problems with us scaling this process is…us! Right now, we’ve handled all of the keyword research as we feel it’s one of the most important pieces of the puzzle. Now that we’ve handed over the content management, our next step will be trying to standardize our subjective view of competition so that we can start to place portions of this in the hands of our agents.

March has been a great month for us in terms of revenue and we’re really looking forward to April.

If you would like us to advise you on which business model is right for you schedule a criteria call with one of our business analysts today. We are happy to help you discover the type of business that’s right for you.

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Sites created: 62
AdSense Earnings: $1,092.73

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  • Anita says:

    This is cool and inspirational, it goes to show that anyone can make money online if the take constant action.

    will like to know, in total how many sites do you have?

    Are you doing anything extra to promote these sites or are they just set and forget types?

    How many pages of content do your sites have?

    • jwcooke says:

      Hey Anita, thanks for stopping by and we’re glad to hear you’re inspired!

      It’s hard to say how many sites we have, honestly. We have around 350 domains purchased, around 300 sites actually up, and around 180-200 sites ranked and earning at their “full potential”.

      We’re doing very little to promote the sites. We write decent, 100% unique content, use a few plugins, bookmark them, and build a few links via article marketing…that’s basically it!

      Our first page of content is better and is 450-500 words. We have at least 4 additional pages of content, around 400 words each and also include a contact us page, about us page, and privacy statement.

      If you’re looking for more information about our content, our subscribers receive detailed information about the outsourcing we use and the exact wording we use for the orders around 4 days after subscribing, so check it out!

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