The Magic of Metrics: Using Analytics to Boost Your Business With Brian Sierakowski [Ep. 64]

The Magic of Metrics: Using Analytics to Boost Your Business With Brian Sierakowski [Ep. 64]

Sarah Nuttycombe December 1, 2021

The best way to achieve success is by capitalizing on your strengths and mitigating your weaknesses. The question is, how do you identify what those strengths and weaknesses are?

This is where your site metrics come into play. Metrics reveal a wealth of information that can help you scale your business and maximize your ROI.

In this episode, we’re joined by Brian Sierakowski, the Director of Operations at Baremetrics, a software that translates metrics into analytics and insights that help business owners make profitable, data-driven decisions.

Brian helps clear up the confusion around metrics by guiding us through which data points to focus on and which ones simply add to the noise. According to Brian:

“If you get your metrics just right, you can craft the data to show you something that gets to a level of specificity. Then the answer to the question of, “What should we do next?” becomes obvious.”

Brain explains how tracking your site metrics can help you make more informed decisions, and how the data that is revealed can help you create effective scaling strategies for your business. 

Listen to The Opportunity Podcast Episode #64

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Topics Discussed in this episode:

  • How Brian got his start in the online business world (09:19)
  • Brian explains what metrics are and why they’re important (28:22)
  • Which metrics give you the best picture of how your business is performing? (35:16)
  • The biggest challenges people face when trying to optimize their metrics (40:55)
  • Segmenting your metrics instead of drinking from the data fire hose (45:38)
  • When your metrics reveal a trend, how long should you wait before acting on it? (51:55)
  • The different metric optimization strategies for new vs established businesses (01:03:18)
  • How metrics can help get your business out of a rut (01:11:22)
  • Brian’s predictions on the future of the SaaS industry (01:19:28)
  • The best hidden growth opportunities within site metrics (01:24:28)
  • What tools or resources can help online business owners optimize their metrics? (01:25:19)
  • Brian recalls his funniest moment working in the online business space (01:26:39)


Sit back, grab a coffee, and learn how to access a wealth of untapped growth opportunities through your site metrics!

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