Personal Care, Parenting, Religion & Spirituality

For Sale

Personal Care, Parenting, Religion & Spirituality

Amazon KDP
Listing Price $218,373
Monthly Multiple 32x
Pricing Periods 12 Months
Avg. Monthly Profit $6,824.00
Avg. Monthly Revenue $7,060.00
Profit Margin 97%

Business Started

1st of April, 2023
(1 year 6 months old)

Assets Included in the Sale

  • Amazon KDP Storefront and Account
  • Employee Contacts
  • Social Media Account
  • Email List
Listing Details

This listing is for an Amazon KDP business in the self-care, religion & spirituality, and parenting niches started in April 2023. The business offers a portfolio of 6 self-help journals and planners that distinguish themselves by appealing to humor and consumer skepticism of traditional self-help methods. The flagship product ranks in the top 100 of two subcategories, boasting over 300 reviews with a 4.6-star average rating.

Revenue is generated exclusively through physical book sales through Amazon KDP, with content provided by a network of authors and an illustrator that the seller met through fairs and networking. The seller spends only 4 hours per week on the business, mainly monitoring ads and assessing book performance.

From the seller: "As you can see from our ads spending, our business does not rely much on ads. This is what's special about our business, as relying on ads can cause the performance to fluctuate greatly. You don't need to depend on luck and skill as our books are already well established.
Our books have proven to be able to perform consistently just by relying on Amazon's organic ranking; our conversion rate is very high, so Amazon will always recommend our books high up (people love our cover designs). The only time our income fluctuates is during low season and high season, which is impossible to control."

*Please note that KDP, ACX, Ingram Spark, and Draft2Digital payments are delayed for 30-90 days, so there will be residual revenue due to the Seller. This will be reconciled during the migration process.

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Net Profit
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12 Months
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Semrush's Authority Score is a compound metric used for measuring a domain's overall quality and SEO performance. It's based on a series of metrics that prove trustworthiness and authority.

Unlike other similar SEO industry metrics, the Semrush Authority Score is the least manipulable because in addition to link quality (3 levels deep) it also takes into account organic traffic data and any spam signals that might be present.

The Semrush Domain Rank is a website's position in a list of every single website in Semrush's database, sorted by organic traffic. At present there are over 39 million websites in list. For reference, Empire Flippers ranks as the 96,500th most trafficked website in Semrush's database.

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Seller Questions & Answers
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Seller Interview
  • Publishing new books under a popular series [please reach out to seller for more details].
  • Marketing outside of Amazon (such as through Facebook and TikTok).
  • There is significant room for pricing increases when looking at the prices of competitors [please reach out to the seller for more details].
  • Changes in Amazon ad pricing could affect the economics of the business.
  • Shifts in writing styles, cover design, consumer preferences or trends could affect sales.
Work & Skills Required
  • Monitoring advertising and performance.
  • Communicating with and managing an outsourced content team.
  • Setting strategy.
Seller Support Includes

The Seller is willing to offer up to 40 days of email support and/or calls to ensure a smooth transition for the Buyer.

Reason for Sale

The Seller would like to explore other opportunities.

Other Information

Work Required Per Week: 4 Hours

Private Blog Network (PBN): No

Domain Type: None

Platform: Other

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