Empire Flippers Public Listings API

Empire Flippers is the #1 marketplace for buying & selling online businesses. As part of that mission, we want to engage buyers & sellers wherever they are, whether on our site or yours.

With the Public Listings API you will be able to instantly pull in all of Empire Flipping’s listings of Businesses currently for sale. You can use this to syndicate those listings on your own website, email list, or use the data personally as a buyer.

For those interested in syndicating our listings, we recommend applying to be an Empire Flippers Referral Partner where you can then earn commission for any new users you send to our Platform who end up buying or selling a Listing.

To learn more & apply for the Referral Program, please click here and complete the short 5-minute application. Be sure to mention in your application that you are interested in using the Valuation Tool API along with your proposed use-case.

Our referral partners have collectively made over USD in referral payouts since launch in 2022 and we are actively expanding the program to new partners in 2024.

Unlike simply cold linking to Empire Flippers, showing the prospective buyer a Listing they would be interested in before redirecting them will increase the likelihood that they convert into a customer.

Quick Note

Did you know we also have an API with info for prospective Sellers?

With the Empire Flippers Valuation Tool API you can provide sellers with a best-in-class automated valuation based on real-world closed deals on our marketplace. In our online tool we use as many as 10+ different data points to generate a valuation pinpointed to a +/- 15% range using our proprietary valuation algorithm and data set of deals sold on the Empire Flippers Marketplace (especially focusing on deals sold in the last 6 months to accurately account for changing market conditions).

Click here to view the Valuation Tool API documentation.


At present no authentication is required.

Rate Limits

Please make no more than 1 request per second.

Listings API


Returns all listings that are publicly visible on the Empire Flippers marketplace.

Parameter Description
page Pagination. The first page is page 1. If no page number is specified then page 1 will be displayed.
limit The number of listings to be returned. The default is 20 and the maximum is 100.
q A string that searches the listings with full-text search capability.
sort Can be one of the following:
order Either ASC or DESC.
listing_number Returns just one listing that has this listing number.
listing_price_from Filters listings with a listing price greater than or equal to this number. Listings are quoted in USD.
listing_price_to Filters listings with a listing price less than or equal to this number. Listings are quoted in USD.
sold_at_from Filters listings with a sold date greater than or equal to this date. E.g. 2018-01-01 00:00:00.
sold_at_to Filters listings with a sold date less than or equal to this date. E.g. 2018-01-01 00:00:00.
created_at_from Filters listings with a created/listing submitted date greater than or equal to this date. E.g. 2018-01-01 00:00:00.
created_at_to Filters listings with a created/listing submitted date less than or equal to this date. E.g. 2018-01-01 00:00:00.
average_monthly_net_profit_from Filters listings with an average monthly net profit greater than or equal to this amount.
average_monthly_net_profit_to Filters listings with an average monthly net profit less than or equal to this amount.
first_listed_at_from Filters listings with a first listed date greater than or equal to this date. E.g. 2018-01-01 00:00:00.
first_listed_at_to Filters listings with a first listed date less than or equal to this date. E.g. 2018-01-01 00:00:00.
last_listed_at_from Filters listings with a last listed date greater than or equal to this date. E.g. 2018-01-01 00:00:00.
last_listed_at_to Filters listings with a last listed date less than or equal to this date. E.g. 2018-01-01 00:00:00.
updated_at_from Filters listings with a updated at date greater than or equal to this date. E.g. 2018-01-01.
updated_at_to Filters listings with a updated at date less than or equal to this date. E.g. 2018-01-01 00:00:00.
listing_status Filters listings on status. E.g. “For Sale”, “Sold”.’
uses_pbn Filters listings based on if they use a PBN. Is a boolean, can be true/false.
sba_financing_approved Filters listings based on whether or not they are approved for SBA financing. Is a boolean, can be true/false.
has_trademark Filters listings based on if they have a trademark. Is a boolean, can be true/false.
has_seller_interview Filters listings based on if they have a seller interview. Is a boolean, can be true/false.
has_penalties Filters listings based on if they have penalties. Is a boolean, can be true/false.
business_created_at_from Filters listings with a business created at date greater than or equal to this date. E.g. 2018-01-01.
business_created_at_to Filters listings with a business created at date less than or equal to this date. E.g. 2018-01-01.
monetizations Filters listings by monetizations. Use a double bar “||” to filter by multiple monetizations. See niches and monetizations below.
niches Filters listings by monetizations. Use a double bar “||” to filter by multiple niches. See niches and monetizations below.
countries Filters listings by country. Use a double bar “||” to filter by multiple countries. E.g. US||UK||AU.

Niches & Monetizations API


Returns configuration options used within our applications, which includes the current list of niches and monetizations that can be used to filter listings. This is subject to change from time to time.

Recommendations API


The recommendations API returns listings that are similar to a specific listing. This can be used for active (‘For Sale’) listings or listings that are already sold. The ranking algorithm first returns listings ordered by similar deposits.

Parameter Description
id This is our internal UUID for the listing, and is different to the listing_number parameter.

Additional Information

  • All times and dates are in UTC.
  • Listings may disappear from the API for various internal reasons.



Returns listings that are currently for sale on page 1.


Returns all listings that are currently for sale, on page 1 and have a monetization either “Amazon FBA” or “SaaS”.


For questions, bug reports or requests for additional information, please email the Director of Engineering, Ben Gelsey at beng@empireflippers.com.

For immediate assistance, please email support@empireflippers.com.